The Chapel of Reconciliation (Anglican Communion), Houston, Texas was born out of intense Evangelism. The ministry was founded by an immigrant pastor, Rev. Canon Simon Omeke, a priest of the Anglican Church of Nigeria and his wife, Felicia. They came to the U S as visitors in the year 2000 and later became students. While in school they experienced culture shock. They lived in the worst area of the South West Houston where a lot of prostitution, drugs, human trafficking, killings and numerous other crimes were going on. They observed young men and women wondering aimlessly day in and day out. This calls for concern and action. Out of passion for souls Simon and Felicia started ministering to people at the apartment complex where they lived at Forum Park Drive, Houston. Some people on drugs and those on the business would come to request for prayers. They would also come to help the couple carry heavy loads saying, “Papa and Mama, can we help you carry the stuff?” They would allow the young people do the carrying just to their front door. This helped the couple establish relationship with them. At times they would all gather at the parking lot and be advised with the word of God and prayers. On Sunday evenings they would be given what remained of the cooked rice and meat from the Church and they enjoyed it. The kids would also come to get bread, Do-nut, Sweets, cakes and fruits. They referred to the car, used in conveying the food as ‘Bread Car’ and to Felicia as ‘Bread woman.’
Canon Omeke and his wife also ministered the word to some other individuals who received Christ as Lord and Savior and needed follow-up. The follow-up program led to the starting of the Chapel of Reconciliation on December 8, 2004 as a branch of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican) and in response to the call of the home Church.
The Chapel was born out of concern and passion for souls. This concern is based on the fact that many couples here are not enjoying their marriages but rather, are having squabbles. Canon and his wife spent sleepless hours of the night resolving family issues. They equally organized marriage seminars and Youth programs. They believe family life as being important because “family is the nucleus of Society.” Passion for souls is based on the fact that many souls in Houston and the environs are yet to be reached with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This calls for executing the Lord’s sole assignment to the Church which is the Great Commission. That implies intensive evangelical activities, including dynamic witnessing and follow-up of new converts. The ultimate goal and motto of Chapel of Reconciliation as in the name, is “Reconciling men to God and men to men.” Now all these things are of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the Ministry of Reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5. 18 – 20 (NASB) The Church participated in the establishment of what is now known as CANA (Convocation of Anglicans in North America). Thus, she is one of the founding members of CANA, a mission of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Since the Church’s inception, especially between 2007 and 2008, the Church planned and executed various programs that have impacted lives of families and individuals, making positive changes in the society.